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Zen Hen Healing LLC!

Let us help you on your journey to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness with the services we provide.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (Spiritually Guided Universal Life Force Energy) is a non-invasive Japanese modality used to reduce stress and increase relaxation that also helps to promote healing. Everything that has life, is circulating and surrounded by life force energy. When your body has low life force energy or has a restriction of energy flow (energy blockage), you become more prone to illness and when your body has high life force energy, you are less prone to get sick. That high life force energy is what promotes a higher state of mind such as relaxation and reduced stress, facilitating a clearer mind and overall mental well-being. Subsequently, by improving your mental well-being you also improve your physical and spiritual well-being.

During the Reiki session, the practitioner connects to your higher self (spiritual conscious) to channel your energy and uses hand placements by either gently laying on hands, hovering hands over the client, or through distance healing. The practitioner is serving as a channel for Reiki energy to flow, to remove blockages, and change the energy to your benefit.

What is Intuitive Energy Healing?

During an Intuitive Energy Healing and Reiki session, the practitioner connects to your higher self and channels different healing modalities such as Angelic, Galactic, and Shamanic in addition to Reiki to better facilitate your energy healing at the time. The practitioner performs a body scan and is intuitively guided to specific areas of your body to remove blockages, ease energy flow, and align Chakras. This session may also include light language activations and integration. In addition, cord cutting, removal of etheric implants, and energetic parasites impeding or lowering your energetic frequency may be performed as guided by your higher self. After the session, the practitioner will provide intuitive guidance or messages from your higher self to help you with your personal healing and growth.